Freya has a home!

Freya has a home with her foster family in Erie, CO!! Jeff & his family took Freya in as a foster but she quickly made her place in the family known. They couldn’t  bear the thought of her leaving and made Freya’s adoption official! Way to go,...

Indy has a home!

Indy has a home with Jason & Abigail in Colorado Springs, CO!! Jason & Abigail are new to the Great Dane breed and fell in love with the Dane’s gentle-giant demeanor. They are an active couple that enjoy being outdoors. They turned to RMGDRI in hopes of...

Daisy has a home!

Daisy has a home with Christian and Jennifer in Lawrence, KS!! This family wanted to bring a gentle giant into their home and they found their match with Daisy! The family currently has 3 older boys (ages 9 and above) that are excited to bring this sweet girl home....

Gigi has a home!

Gigi has a home with her foster family in Arvada, CO!!! Rodney & Andrea have been looking for a Great Dane to add to their family. Gigi seemed like the perfect fit and the family was approached about fostering her. She immediately fit perfectly in the family and...

Itsy Bitsy has a home!

Itsy Bitsy has a home with Adam & Jill in Boulder, CO!! Adam & Jill met Miss Bits at an event and fell head over heels in love with her! So much, that they returned to visit her at the event the following weekend. Itsy was excited to see them again! Adam &...

Dozer has a home!

Dozer has a home with Amy and her family in Layton, UT!! The family has never owned a Great Dane before but have past experience with English Mastiffs and a Newfoundland. They have done research on the Great Dane breed and are excited to bring one into their home....