by RMGDRI | Jul 31, 2016 | 2016 Successes, Adoptions, Blog, Successes
Dante has a home with his new forever family in Windsor, CO. Brad, Karen and their son anxiously applied to adopt with only Dante in mind. The family could not be more ecstatic that this sweet ol’ man will be able to live out his years with them. Dante will...
by RMGDRI | Jul 21, 2016 | 2016 Successes, Adoptions, Blog, Successes
Daisy has a home with her new family in Buena Vista, CO! John and his wife Cherry and their daughter currently have 2 other dogs at home. John and Cherry have had 2 rescue Danes over the years….The family enjoys spending time outdoors and going on vacation and...
by RMGDRI | Jul 20, 2016 | 2016 Successes, Adoptions, Successes
Bones has a home with his Brian in Omaha, NE. Brian opened his home to Bones as a foster not knowing how amazing and grateful Bones was that he chose him. Brian is a very active person and simply loves having Bones with him wherever he goes. This sweet boy will...
by RMGDRI | Jul 17, 2016 | 2016 Successes, Adoptions, Successes
Odin has a home with her new family in Parker, CO. Beth and Mike and their 2 sons currently have a 4 year old female Dane named Meara. They felt what better time than now to find a friend for both to live out their days! Beth and Mike love to go camping and hike...
by RMGDRI | Jul 16, 2016 | 2016 Successes, Adoptions, Successes
Izzy has a home with her new family in Aurora, CO! This will be Krystal’s first Great Dane! She’s had some large pets in the past, but never a Dane. Izzy will be able to live out the rest of her life being spoiled rotten…because she won’t...
by RMGDRI | Jul 16, 2016 | 2016 Successes, Adoptions, Successes
Ava has a home with her new family in Lexington, NE. Jerry and Annie are no strangers to having Great Danes. They currently have a male Dane and not long ago their female Dane passed. The time has come that they are ready to fill the hole in the home of having...