Erza has a home!

Happy New Year to you, Happy New Life to me!  I am the first Dane to be placed in 2025 and I am I am in a wonderful new home where I will get to meet my new mom’s clients and be around her all day long.

Louie Has a home!

Louise Has a home! Lucky Louie, now Frankie, here.  My mom and dad were used as breeders, but that didn’t stop me from finding an amazing forever home with a big brother to teach me how to Dane, and all in time for the Howlidays!

Huey has a home!

Huey has a home! Huey is in the House for good!  I just landed in my forever home with a big sister to help me get through my puppy years, and two human brothers to take great care of me.  And just in time to meet Santa Paws!