Roxxy has a home!

Roxxy has a home! I love my very small world!  My new brother, Snoop (the dark guy in the picture) used to live with my Foster parents!  And now I have been adopted by him and my new forever parents.  Some things are just meant to be.

Bruno has a home!

Bruno has a home! My new name is Truman and I found this amazing Foster home and decided this family was worth keeping, so I adopted them!  And I got a Great Pyr sister, a Pyr/Husky/Akita brother and a human brother in the bargain.  Life is Good!

Winston has a home!

Winston has a home! Winston has a home! Oh, this all happened with just a few smacks of these lips! My Best Foster Parents took me in when I was in bad shape, they nursed me and loved me and my Foster Sisters welcomed me right into the family. They documented my...