
Meet Big Mac

Status: Pending Adoption

Sex: M     Age: 1yr 3 mos  Ears: Natural

Color: Blue Mantle   Weight: 120 lbs



We may have found the mac to your cheese! Big Mac is in need of a foster / foster-to-adopt home.  Meet Big Mac:

My name is Big Mac. My current family is surrendering me due to no fault of my own.  I am just over 1 years old but don’t let my young age fool you —  I am waaay ahead in learning and I am told I am the “bestest boy” ever. 

Let me tell you all about me! I have moderate energy, super playful and friendly to family and visitors.  I am a bit fearless, too in trying new things.  I will dazzle you with my play skills – give me a ball, stuffed animal, shallow water, tug rope or anything else to play with and I will happily show off.  Speaking of showing off, I know words like “sit” “come” Lie down” and can shake, high five, and give hugs.  Ok – I’ve had some home and professional training.  I taught the humans a lot.  I am also accustomed to being crated and walk on leash well. 

I enjoy having furry friends around.  I presently live with a really good looking blonde! They call her a Golden Retriever.  I call her my girlfriend.  I also live in a home with a furry feline.  The thing about cats that I’ve discovered is they are super fun to chase but when you catch them – they don’t taste like chicken! Bummer.  But for some reason the cat  was upset with my antics. In my defense – I only mouthed the kitty but apparently this was big no for Big Mac.      

I really do just want to please and be the bestest boy ever.   Don’t take my word for it – here’s what my surrendering family says about me, “Big Mac is a gentle giant. My favorite thing about him is when he cuddles with you. He loves to hug you by putting his head on your shoulder. At night time he loves being tucked in and covered with blankets. He’s just a really happy boy and loves everyone. He is very trainable.”

More about Big Mac:

  • Intact Male (will be neutered)

  • Housebroken

  • Crate Trained

  • Good with dogs

  • Lives with cat but chases cat

  • Good with all people

  • Has not lived with children but good with respectful older children

  • Friendly, affectionate and loving

  • Has learned commands; treat motivated

  • Moderate energy


If you would like to foster or foster-to-adopt Big Mac, submit your foster application today! Already an approved foster family?  Reach out to  Karen at or Candice at and let them know you would like to foster or foster-to-adopt THE BIG MAC!